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Online Gaming and The Importance Of Having A High Ranking

The online world now is crowded with people who spend a lot of time playing games. Online games are what keep mostly today entertained and balanced. When one started playing one, he or she will surely aim to be on top, why? What are the possible reasons?

  1. Online games are not just games. These are already being recognized as sport. This is not a physical activity. It does not require one to motor skills, but it requires a particular skill.
  2. Since online games are already a sport, becoming famous is a factor that should be considered for future opportunities and advantages.
  3. Future opportunities are not just about competitions ahead, but also rapports and camaraderie with different people. So meaning, the higher rank you have as a gamer, the more chances that you will meet people who could be your friends and connections.
  4. Becoming a good gamer means acquiring a lot of wins, win streaks to be exact. This will lead the player to the top.
  5. Being on the top is having a high ranking. High ranks are obviously a sign that you can be an eligible competitor. You might be included on the list of gamers or players that can join a national and international competitions.

So what you need to think of is what are you really aiming as a gamer? If one of your goals or objectives is to compete internationally, you might want to try LOL. Make a research on how you will be able to rank fast or boost your way to the top. This online game will already let you compete with different people of different nationalities. The only difference is you will compete with different players whose rankings vary. But what’s important is, you get to practice, you get to improve, and of course, learn strategies out of playing.
